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Drift of Rheophilic-Spawning Carp Eggs in a Highly Turbulent River

Author(s): Binbin Wang; Geng Li; Caroline M. Elliott; Bruce C. Call; Duane C. Chapman; Robert B. Jacobson

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Keywords: Rivers; Carp eggs; Turbulent transport; Particle tracking

Abstract: Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis), and silver carp (H. Molitrix) (herein, carps) are an important food source in Eastern China but are invasive in North America. These species broadcast spawn in rivers and streams, where the eggs and larvae then develop while drifting downstream while in suspension. Turbulence plays a crucial role in keeping the eggs suspended in the water column and in dispersing them throughout a river landscape, which increases the chance of egg survival. In this study, we developed and evaluated a three-dimensional Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) model named SDrift, which incorporates the evolving behavior of the carp eggs. The model was used with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) result of an 8-km reach in the channelized Lower Missouri River to understand the transport of carp eggs in the highly turbulent river channel. Four different discharges were simulated, representing 3 to 45% daily flow exceedance in the selected reach.


Year: 2024

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