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Tracking of Floating Objects on River Surface by Numerical Simulation

Author(s): Akihiko Nakayama, Seak Ni Chai, Huan Tao Goh, Khai Chin Ng

Linked Author(s): Akihiko Nakayama

Keywords: River flow, numerical simulation, LES, floating objects

Abstract: In order to understand the effects of various objects that float on surfaces of rivers and channels, a method of tracking floating objects based on numerical flow simulation has been developed. The floating objects are assumed to be rigid bodies with no preferred directional characteristics but with given drag coefficient. The flow computation is a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) that models the effects of floating bodied by their drag forces. The calculation is applied to a river reach for which the flow and trajectory data are available. It is then applied to track assumed bodies in meandering river in Malaysia. The results show accumulation of bodies on the outer bank of bends as is observed at the site


Year: 2017

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