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Laser-Positioning Piv Measurement in the Field Using Android Devices

Author(s): Wen-Yi Chang, Franco Lin, Whey-Fone Tsai, Jihn-Sung Lai, Chin-Hsiung Loh, Tai-Shan Liao

Linked Author(s): Wen-Yi Chang

Keywords: Laser, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), android, velocity, measurement

Abstract: In this study, a laser-positioning PIV system is developed for flow surface velocity measurement in the field. By using the laser-positioning technique, the traditional ground-based survey of ground control points can be avoided, hence, a large amount of labor and time can be saved. In addition, based on own-developed APPs, the image capturing, the image ortho-rectification and the image analysis for velocity estimation can all be done on an Android camera. This laser-positioning PIV system has been installed in the field to study its capability and applicability. The preliminary result shows that this system is easy to be set up in the field and has a great potential for long-term flow monitoring


Year: 2017

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