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Determining Tidal Mixing Zone Using Numerical and Data-Driven Model in Malacca Strait

Author(s): Alamsyah Kurniawan, Serene H. X Tay, Seng Keat Ooi, Vladan Babovic

Linked Author(s): Alamsyah Kurniawan

Keywords: Hydroinformatic, tidal mixing zone, Average Mutual Information (AMI), Formzahl Number, Malacca Strait

Abstract: The Malacca Strait, a shallow passage that connects South China Sea and Andaman Sea, offers serious challenges for ocean weather modeling. Prediction of tidal changes using regional ocean models and data based linear time series models are often inadequate for accurate forecasting. Previous studies have indicated that tidal mixing zone in the Malacca Strait might influence the sea level anomalies propagation from South China Sea to Andaman Sea. Present work analyzes the location of tidal mixing zone in the Malacca Strait using numerical modeling and data driven model. Average Mutual Information (AMI) based on the data driven modeling provides an alternate opportunity in understanding tidal with complex behavior. This work studies the efficiency of AMI as a potential hydroinformatics tool. Prediction of tidal variations using numerical model around Malacca Strait is adopted as case study. Historical tide datasets at predefined geographical locations are used to build the non-linear time series models to determining the tidal mixing zone. The results are compared with the predictions obtained using linear time series models (e. g. , Formzahl Number)


Year: 2017

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