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Why Moving-Boat Adcp Streamflow Measurement Does Not Require a Straight-Line Path?

Author(s): Hening Huang

Linked Author(s): Hening Huang

Keywords: ADCP, discharge measurement, river and streams.

Abstract: This paper presents a mathematical proof and field verification of the path-independence principle: the discharge measured by a moving-boat ADCP is independent from the path of the survey boat under the assumption that the flow is steady and homogeneous in streamwise direction. The field measurement was made on the Choa Praya River under a steady flow condition; it involves eight transects with a variety of boat's paths including straight, curved, and looped. The measured discharges from the eight transects are very consistent; the relative maximum residual discharge is only 2. 03%; the relative uncertainty (Type A) associated with the mean of the transect discharges is only 0. 93%


Year: 2017

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