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Development and Evaluation of Meshless Particle Methods for Modelling and Analysis of Transient Pipe Flows

Author(s): Huan-Feng Duan, Hexiang Yan, Fei Li, Qingzhi Hou, Tao Tao, Kunlun Xin, Shuping Li

Linked Author(s): Hexiang Yan

Keywords: Meshless particle method, SPH, transient pipe flow, water pipe system.

Abstract: Different meshless particle methods, such as classic SPH, CSPM and MSPM, have been widely developed and used for the simulation and analysis of complex flow systems due to their advantages of computation efficiency and complexity description. However, the development and application of these methods are so far limited to free-surface or slightly pressurized flow systems, where the appropriate forms of equivalent expressions have been derived for meshless particles under different system and flow conditions. This paper aims to extend these efficient and convenient meshless particle methods to the modelling and analysis of highly pressurized transient water pipe flows, so that complex phenomena in water supply pipes could be better described and understood by these methods. The developed models and schemes are validated through the comparison with traditional methods that have been well verified by experiments in the literature. The single- and series - pipeline systems are investigated for the validity and applicability of the methods. The influences of different key parameters are then systematically examined for obtaining their most suitable values for transient pipe flows. Finally, the results of the validated models and methods are discussed for their accuracy and implications for the modelling and analysis of transient pipe flows


Year: 2017

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