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Flood Control Management in Steep Rivers Using Dikes

Author(s): Omar Seleem, Akihiro Kadota, Itani Dale Ndwambi

Linked Author(s): Omar Seleem

Keywords: Flood mitigation, steep river, dikes, open levees

Abstract: Shigenobu River is located at North West of Shikoku Island in Japan. Shikoku Island is the smallest island of the four main islands in Japan. The River passes through Matsuyama city, the city area with roughly 428. 86 km2 of area and the city population is about 516, 459 capita in December 2014. Shigenobu River length is 36 km, the river watershed area is approximately 445 km2. Shigenobu River is considered short and steep. Due to river properties, many floods have occurred in the past which caused several damage to public and private properties. In order to protect human life, public and private properties from river flooding, nine dikes have been constructed in the last 300 years. The main purpose of constructing these dikes is to reduce the flow discharge and decrease downstream water depth. Construction of concrete structure along the river is to control the flood from terribly affecting the river ecosystem. The aim of this study is to analysis the effect of existing dikes at Shigenobu River from the point of flood control and to recommend using green infrastructures in order to restore the river ecosystem. Dike is analyzed for the shape, length and transition of inundation areas by using field measurement data and result of flood inundation analysis in order to get the most proper shape and dimensions


Year: 2017

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