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Proposal of Methodology for Optimized Diffuser Design

Author(s): Marco Antonio Corrêa, Eduardo Yassuda

Linked Author(s): Eduardo Yassuda

Keywords: Near field dilution; Single and line plume;

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a methodology based on empirical relations to determine the best diffuser configuration. The methodology consists in verifying the dimensions of some characteristics and the limits of some parameters, in a defined sequence. Throughout the procedure, configurations are discarded and the number of possible combinations is reduced significantly. The development of this methodology was based on the studies presented by Roberts et al. (2010). The idea of this methodology is to follow some hydraulic criteria to obtain the best diffuser. For the application of the methodology a Matlab script was developed. In this script the parameter values are selected and, in the end, only some possible configurations remain. The best configuration is chosen by cost or environmental criteria. This methodology is applicable to small and medium sized outfall installed in shallow water and in flat sea bed conditions, as the great majority of outfalls in Brazil. A study case is presented to demonstrate the validity of this methodology.


Year: 2019

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