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Experimental Study on Ice Accumulation Before Inverted Siphon

Author(s): Hui FU, XinLei Guo, Tao Wang, PENG WU

Linked Author(s): Xinlei Guo, Tao Wang, PENG WU

Keywords: Inverted siphon; Ice jam; Ice thickness; Water diversion project;

Abstract: In the vast northern regions, ice accumulation or ice cover may form along rivers in winter, which may cause ice jam flood. For water diversion project, ice related problems may increase flow resistance or even cut off water supply which has considerable influences. This paper takes the Tanghe inverted siphon of the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China as an example, and carries out experimental studies under the real ice condition with different water levels, flow discharges and submerged depths. The characteristics of the ice jam distribution and the relationship between ti/H(ratio of ice jam thickness ti to total water level H) and Fri(Froude number under ice jam) are analyzed. An equation for the ice jam thickness calculation before the inverted siphon is also put forward.


Year: 2019

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