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Study on the Flow Field in the Upstream Vicinities of the Side Type Intake of Stratified Flows

Author(s): Guangning LI, Xueping Gao, Cen Wang

Linked Author(s): Guangning LI, Xueping Gao

Keywords: Thermal structure; Selective withdrawal; Flow field; Stratified flow; Experimental study;

Abstract: A “similarity theory of withdrawn water temperature” and the PIV technology were combined, and a flow field measurement experimental system was developed. An experimental study was conducted to investigate the flow field in the upstream vicinities of the side type intake of stratified flows. This study focused on the case that the intakes with different submerged depths, and different withdraw quantities in typical temperature structures. The experiment results showed that the flow field in the stratified flows are very different with the uniform temperature condition. The temperature gradient will strength the withdraw effect, and the thermocline layer turned out to be a block layer. Different intake center submerged depth formed different flow field characteristics. The flow field in the upstream vicinities of intake played pivotal role to withdraw water temperature. With a certain temperature stratification, the temperature of withdrawn water changed with the submerged depth. When a certain temperature distribution is fixed, the withdrawn water temperature depended on the location of the submerged depth. The density Froude number (Fd) turned to be decline when the distances to the intake increased.


Year: 2019

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