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Hydrological and Hydraulic Studies for the Identification of the Vulnerability to Overflows of Basin of the River Lower Coata- Puno

Author(s): Erick Vladimir Lobo Reyes, Jesus Abel Mejia, David Ricado Ascencios Templo, Gonzalo Ramces Fano Miranda


Keywords: Maximum rainfall; Hydrological Study; hydraulic study; Hec hms; Hec Ras; Floodplain;

Abstract: Floods due to river overfiows is a recurring problem in Peru due to the seasonality of rainfall in the Andean region with dry periods and intense rains, mainly during periods of EI Nino that cause large increases in discharges of the rivers generating overflows and floods, causing the destruction of the productive infrastructure and great economic losses; which is why it is important to identify areas in danger of overflows in order to generate risk control plans.
The phenomenon described above is recurrent in the lower basin of the Coata River, located in the region of Puno. due to its flat topography which causes destruction of infrastructure, flooding of cultivation areas and human settlements; for this reason, in the present study, vulnerable areas or zones with risk of flooding have been identified.
In this work we have estimated the maximum discharges of the Coata River for different return period from maximum rainfall information, whose results were calibrated with information registered in a hydrometric station to then simulate the behavior of the river and determine areas or zones with risk of floods.


Year: 2019

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