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Evaluation of Discharge Equation of Lateral Overflow Located in the Curved Part of River

Author(s): Masayoshi Ishihara, Ryosuke Akoh, Shiro MAENO, Keisuke Yoshida

Linked Author(s): Ryosuke Akoh, Shiro MAENO, Keisuke Yoshida

Keywords: Lateral overflow; Curved river; Overflow dike; Lateral weir; Hydraulic model experiment;

Abstract: Flood retarding basin which is one of the flood control hydraulic facilities is usually constructed in a strait site of the river. But due to the topographical restrictions, it is installed in the curved part of river. Although many research works have been conducted on lateral overflow in the straight river channel, knowledge of lateral overflow in the curved channel is not enough and discharge equation for curved channel is not established yet. Therefore, in this study we investigate the followings, (1) verification of the accuracy of the lateral overflow discharge using the river model experiments, (2) experimental verification of the lateral overflow discharge over the weir installed in straight and curved channel, and (3) the lateral overflow formula in the curved channel. As a result, lateral overflow formula with high accuracy was proposed.


Year: 2019

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