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Study on Inundation Analysis of Urban Areas with Sewer Networks in Low-Lying Land

Author(s): Kohji Tanaka, Fumio Kamise, Yutaka Ooyagi, Kohji Tanaka

Linked Author(s): Kohji Tanaka, Kohji Tanaka

Keywords: Heavy Rainfall; Flood Inundation; Sewer Network; Topography Analysis; Inundation Analysis;

Abstract: Inundation damages have recently occured by heavy rain fall in urbanized area such as Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya et al in Japan. Precipitation and flow rate excessing the plan of the sewer system in urban area overflows to ground surface from the sewer pipes. To predict the inundation with damages is recognized the very important issue. Many researchers have studied on the mechanism of the overflow water of the earth surface from a sewage trachea, structural and nonstructural countermeasure. The purpose of this study is to develop the more effective and easily hydraulic model in order to predict the inundation of the urban area. This study was reffered with the points of view of the following studies; 1) The study that elucidated the phenomenon in an object between space-time of the high definition, 2) the study on Method to estimate an inundation point based on topography analysis. The objection of this study is the drainage district administrated by the Osaka city. We suggest a method of the mesh generation in consideration of the topography properties, the characteristics of run-off and hydraulic in the objective district. We show the validation and reproduction of the run-off, inundation model in consideration of the sewer network and the ground surface based on a thought of the new mesh generation. Furthermore, we show the result that estimated the inundation damage of the drainage district caused by the extreme heavy rain to exceed the drainage plan of the sewer system.


Year: 2019

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