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Real-time hybrid dike breach model: simulating reservoirs of arbitrary shape and volume in laboratory tests

Author(s): Pierre-Jacques Frank; Cedric Duverney; Anton Ledergerber

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Keywords: Dike breach; hydraulic model; laboratory study; pump controller; real-time hybrid model; reservoir simulation

Abstract: Dikes and earthen embankments are common parts of modern infrastructure. Dike breaches resulting from extreme weather conditions and a lack of maintenance have caused significant damage to populated and agricultural areas in the past. Despite recent research findings, the effects of the parameters reservoir water volume and reservoir shape have not been properly assessed due to limitations in laboratory channel size and/or a lack of adequate test methodology. Furthermore, repeatability during the breach initiation phase has proved difficult to achieve when applying standard test methods. Therefore, a novel pump regulation method is introduced with the objective of simulating reservoirs of arbitrary size and shape during dike breach tests. This real-time, fully coupled hybrid modelling approach reduces test limitations due to limited laboratory space and considerably improves repeatability during the breach initiation phase. The pump regulation method, its limitations, test results and possible applications in the hydraulic laboratory are presented.


Year: 2020

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