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Behaviour of oblique jets released in a moving ambient

Author(s): Xia Wang; Gustaaf Adriaan Kikkert

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Keywords: Cross-sectional profile; integral model; laboratory study; non-buoyant; oblique; turbulent jet

Abstract: An experimental investigation is carried out to determine the trajectory, spread, dilution and cross-sectional flow structures of non-buoyant oblique jets released in a moving ambient, covering initial discharge angles from 10 to 90°. For each angle, measurements of the side view and plan view integrated concentration fields are obtained. The double-Gaussian assumption is used to characterize the cross-sectional concentration profiles, which gradually change from the axi-symmetric Gaussian of the weak-jet region to the double-vortex pair structure of the momentum puff region. In the weakly-advected region, the spread is similar to that of the jet in a stagnant ambient, while in the strongly-advected region a new spread relationship is obtained based on the double-Gaussian assumption. The spread relationships are used in an existing integral model, resulting in predictions for the trajectory and dilution that are a good match for the experimental data in the weakly- and strongly-advected regions.


Year: 2014

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