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1D numerical evaluation of dike erosion due to overtopping

Author(s): Marianeve Pontillo; Lukas Schmocker; Massimo Greco; Willi H. Hager

Linked Author(s): Lukas Schmocker, Willi H. Hager

Keywords: Dike breach; erosion; numerical modelling; sediment transport; two-phase model

Abstract: Dike overtopping is an important issue in both scientific and practical aspects of sediment embankment erosion. This research is concerned with the validation of a one-dimensional numerical code applied to an unsteady two-phase flow over an initially trapezoidal-shaped sediment dike, including the transition from sub- to supercritical flows and the flow propagation over a steep slope. The approach is based on the shallow-water equations coupled with a sediment erosion code. The numerical results are compared with recent laboratory experiments, resulting in a reasonable prediction of the temporal free surface and bed evolution. The remaining model inaccuracies mainly originate from overflow initiation with extremely small flow depths, streamline curvature effects with the related underestimation of flow velocities close to the sediment surface, and the changing saturation in the dike body not accounted for in the model. Despite these deficiencies, the computational model will be helpful, particularly in flood risk assessment and management.


Year: 2010

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