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Evaluation of 2D shallow-water model for spillway flow with a complex geometry

Author(s): Xinya Ying; Sam S.Y. Wang

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Keywords: Finite volume method; HLL approximate Riemann solver; shallow-water equations; spillway; unstructured grid

Abstract: A case study of chute flow has been carried out using a two-dimensional (2D) shallow-water model, in which the governing equations were solved using a finite volume method on unstructured triangular grids, and the intercell fluxes were evaluated based on the approximate Riemann solver. Comparisons were made between numerical and experimental results. It is demonstrated that the model can reasonably capture the essential flow features, such as two shocks behind bridge piers, two oblique standing shock waves due to lateral spillway contraction, and consequent shock-on-shock wave interaction. It is also observed that the computed water surface profiles along the side walls are in agreement with the physical model data. Therefore, this 2D shallow-water model applies if the primary concern is water depth at the side walls.


Year: 2010

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