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Dam-break induced sediment movement: Experimental approaches and numerical modelling

Author(s): Y. Zech; S. Soares-Frazão; B. Spinewine; N. Le Grelle

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Keywords: Bank erosion; dam-break flow; experiments; sediments; two-layer model

Abstract: The present paper aims to present the issues and the scope of work conducted under the framework of the European Research Project IMPACT, in the field of dam-break induced geomorphic flows, at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Two characteristic behaviours are described: the near- and far-field responses to the dam-break wave. This paper gives an overview of the experimental work carried out in the frame of the research programme: flat- and stepped-bed cases for the near-field, bank erosion experiment for the far-field. New developments in modelling are summarized as well for the near-field and for the far-field. The validation by comparison with experimental results highlights that a two-layer model is very efficient in modelling near-field features, while an appropriate modelling of bank failure and sediment re-distribution in the cross section is the key of far-field simulation. Some practical conclusions are given for the future of dam-break wave modelling in terms of needs for additional research.


Year: 2008

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