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2D-V hydrodynamics of wave–floating breakwater interaction

Author(s): T.H. Koftis; P. Prinos; E. Koutandos

Linked Author(s): Koftis Theoharris, koutanto

Keywords: Wave–structure interaction; floating breakwater; RANS equations; vorticity; turbulence

Abstract: Wave interactions with a fixed floating breakwater (FB) are investigated both numerically and experimentally. Laboratory experiments of large scale have been performed in the CIEM flume of the Catalonia University of Technology, Barcelona and measurements are compared with numerical results obtained with the use of the COBRAS model. The latter solves the two-dimensional, unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations in the vertical plane (2D-V). The k–∊ turbulence model is also used for the computation of the Reynolds stresses as well as the Volume Of Fluid method for “tracking” the variation of the free surface. The effects of relative draught dr/D (dr=structure draught, D = water depth) and the FB configuration (breakwater without and with an attached seaward plate with the same dr/D) on the hydrodynamic characteristics (transmission, velocity, vorticity, turbulence) are investigated. Experimental water surface elevation, velocities at selected locations and pressure distribution around the structure are compared satisfactorily with computed results for dr/D equal to 0.325 and 0.2 and the two FB configurations. Detailed computed velocities, vortices and turbulence kinetic energy in the vicinity of the structure indicate the effects of dr/D and FB configuration on the flow pattern and the turbulence structure at the two sides of the structure.


Year: 2006

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