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Hydraulic jump in circular and U-shaped channels

Author(s): A. Bushra; Noor Afzal

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Keywords: Circular and U-shaped channels; hydraulic jump; invariant relations; Reynolds normal stress model

Abstract: The Reynolds equations of mean turbulent flow in a two-dimensional open channel of arbitrary cross-section have been analyzed. An integral equation for the turbulent hydraulic jump is proposed. In the closure model adopted, the depth-averaged effective normal Reynolds stress is taken proportional to the product of constant eddy viscosity and depth-averaged axial velocity gradient, and the constant of proportionality that is independent of channel geometry. The general theory has been applied to the flows in circular and U-shaped channels. The solutions for sequent depth, hydraulic jump length, roller length and aeration length have been estimated. The comparison of the theory with experimental data of Hager and Stahl for circular and U-shaped channels give very encouraging results.


Year: 2006

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