Author(s): Franz Durst; Maria Fernanda Proenca; Francisco Taveira-Pinto; Fernando Veloso-Gomes
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Keywords: Submerged breakwaters; regular waves; laser Doppler measurements
Abstract: This paper stresses the importance of the installation of wave breakers to protect the shores of countries from the destructive effects that high water waves might have. In a first step towards understanding the actions of these waves, a wave tank experiment, containing a wave breaker was set up. The facility is described and special arrangements are out lined to yield a partial section in which two-dimensional waves could be studied by laser Doppler anemometry (LDA). Two-dimensional LDA measurements were performed, yielding information on the complex motion in the waves. Phase average properties of the mean velocity field were recorded as well as phase average r.m.s. values of the velocity fluctuations. The results are presented at 33 x-locations. The data provide an insight into the complex fluid motion that occurs when a wave approaches the installed two-dimensional wave breaker. Examples of the final results are provided in the form of diagrams. A complete set of results is available under request and in an Appendix instructions to access the data are given.
Year: 2003