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Finite volume method for simulating extreme flood events in natural channels

Author(s): Valerio Caleffi; Alessandro Valiani; Andrea Zanni

Linked Author(s): Valerio Caleffi, Andrea Zanni


Abstract: The need for mitigating damages produced by extreme hydrologie events has stimulated the European Community to fund several projects. The Concerted Action on Dam-break Modelling workgroup (CADAM) performed a considerable work for the development of new codes and for the adequate verification of their performance. In the context of the CADAM project, a new 2D computer code is developed, tested and applied, as described in the present paper. The algorithm is obtained through the spatial discretisation of the shallow water equations by a finite volume method, based on the Godunov approach. The HLL Riemann solver is used. A second order accuracy in space and time is achieved, respectively by MUSCL and predictor-corrector techniques. The high resolution requirement is ensured by satisfaction of TVD property. Particular attention is posed to the numerical treatment of source terms. Accuracy, stability and the reliability of the code are tested on a selected set of study cases. A grid refinement analysis is performed. Numerical results are compared with experimental data, obtained by the physical modelling of a submersion wave on a portion of the Toce river valley, Italy, performed by ENEL-HYDRO and considered as representative of a real life flood occurrence.


Year: 2003

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