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Modeling DO conditions in streams using Lagrangian advection method

Author(s): Hector R. Bravo

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Abstract: Advection, dispersion, and kinetics govern the transport of biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen in streams. Analytical solutions of the governing equations are scarce; numerical methods are the tool commonly used to solve problems having arbitrary geometries and flows. However, the numerical solution of advection may produce numerical damping or oscillation. Some existing methods are therefore applicable only for advection-dominated flows, others have narrow discretization limits, or are computationally expensive. The simple method developed in this study is intended to relax these limitations. The method solves advection with a Lagrangian method and solves the diffusive and kinetics terms using an Eulerian method. The Lagrangian method uses a simple cubic spline interpolation that does not require the solution of additional transport equations. Analytical solutions and a convolution approach verified the accuracy of the method; the method permitted to obtain some new solutions for unsteady input and unsteady flow. The method was verified by successfully reproducing a set of field data.


Year: 1997

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