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Three-dimensional numerical modelling of water flow in a river with large bed roughness

Author(s): Nils R.B. Olsen; Siri Stokseth

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Abstract: A numerical model for three-dimensional simulation of water flow in rivers with large roughness elements is developed. The bed roughness elements are large stones and rocks in the rivers. The model uses a finite volume method to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for three dimensions on a general non-orthogonal grid. The k-e turbulence model is used to solve the Reynolds-stress term. A porosity model is developed to model the bed roughness elements. The porosity model is used in combination with the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations to calculate interactions between porous and non-porous areas. To test the model, a reach of the Norwegian river Sokna is modelled. Velocity measurements from the river are taken at a number of locations and at several discharges. The measured velocities compare well with the results from the numerical model.


Year: 1995

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