Author(s): N. R. Afshar; G. L. Asawa; K. G. Ranga Raju
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Abstract: A criterion for the development length of self-aerated flow over a spillway has been obtained by analysis of published and new experimental data. The new data were collected on a spillway model having a lope of I(V):0.75(H). Because of the limited length (3 m) of the spillway model, the data collected during the present investigation correspond only to the developing region. The published data, however, correspond to both the developing and developed flow region . The slope of the spillway for the published data range from 7.5° to 75°. The scaling parameters used in the theory of Rao et al. [9] have been evaluated and empirical relations obtained for the e both in developing and developed region, thereby making the construction of air concentration profile possible for given spillway geometry and approach flow condition .
Year: 1994