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Abstract: W. Rodi, University of Karlsruhe, Fed. Rep, of Germany. 1984, 41 figures, 104 pages, soft cover, second revised edition. Prices∗ (seamail and packing included) for members Dfl. 36.-, non-members Dfl. 45.- Advance payment. ISBN 90 212 7002 1 W. Rodi, Université de Karlsruhe, R.F.A. 1984, 41 figures, 104 pages, broche, deuxième edition. Prix: membres Dfl. 36,- non membres Dfl. 45,- Paiement préalable. ISBN 90 212 7002 1 Monograph on Swirl Flow Problems at Intakes Edited by J. Knauss. Price - Dfl. 70.- for members and Dfl. 90.- for non-members, from A. A. Balkema Publisher.
Year: 1988