Author(s): S. D. Harris; J. W. Williamson; R. H. French
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Abstract: Although the velocity gradient, is a parameter common to almost all the phenomenlogicaltheories of turbulence and turbulent mixing, relatively few accurateevaluations of this factor have been made (3). Most experimental values of thevelocity gradient in turbulent flow have been determined indirectly by firstobtaining an experimental velocity profile and then graphically differentiating thisprofile. Thus, reflects errors made in measuring the velocity profile and errorsmade in obtaining the derivative of this profile by graphical techniques. Hence, theaccuracy of and the subsequent mixing length and transfer coefficient calculationscould be improved if an experimental method of obtaining directly in fully-developed,two-dimensional, turbulent boundary layer flow were available. The devicewas calibrated in a rectangular duct, and the results clearly demonstrate the validityof the design and the feasibility of measuring directly and accurately.
Year: 1980