Author(s): Ö. Starosolszky; Hans J. Leutheusser; W. Douglas Baines; G. Garbrecht
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Abstract: HYDROMETRY Principles and Practices by R. W. HERSCHY, Edited by John Wiley and Sons, Baffins Lane, Chichester, Sussex, England, 511 pages PHYSIQUE DE LA HOULE ET DES LAMES by JEAN LARRAS, Editions Eyrolles, 61 Bd. Saint-Germain, 75240 Paris-Cedex 05, France. Price 250 fr. MECHANICS OF FLUIDS Fourth edition by D. S. MASSEY, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd., Molly Millars Lane, Wohingham, Berkshire, England. Price £11,50 cloth and £ 5,50 paper bound. PRINCIPLES OF RIVER ENGINEERING (The non-tidal alluvial river) by P. PH. JANSEN, L. VAN BENDEGOM, J. VAN DEN BERG, M. DE VRIES, A. ZANEN, Pitman Publishing Ltd, 39 Parker Street, London WC2B 5PB, England. £ 45.00.
Year: 1979