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Pulsating Viscoelastic Pipe Flow - Water-Hammer

Author(s): E. Rieutord; A. Blanchard

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Abstract: This theoretical study of the effect of viscoelastic material properties of a pipe conveying one-dimensional, non-stationary flow shows that, in addition to exponential attenuation of wave fronts, the disturbance is transformed into a diffusion front whose thickness increases as √t, and which propagates at a velocity corresponding to the retarded elasticity of the pipe material [E(∞)]. The behaviour of pressure disturbances in the special case of water-hammer resulting from sudden closure of a valve is illustrated by a numerical application based on the characteristics method. For a pipe of finite length L fed from a constant-level tank, a damped oscillation of period 2L/ā is observed, corresponding to a pseudo-velocity of propagation ā which is calculated on the assumption that deformations associated with relaxation times smaller than 2L/a 0 are instantaneous, where a 0is the true elastic wave celerity (a 0>ā).


Year: 1979

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