Author(s): Emmanuel O. Kuti; Chin-Lien Yen
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Abstract: This study evaluates the effect of some basic properties of clay-minerals mixed with cohesionless soil on scouring at the toe of a spillway. Scouring was analyzed by the concept of incipient motion of the soil particles. Experiment was performed to determine the influence of the clay-minerals (Kaolinites) and its compactness on the rate of volume of scouring. It was assumed that seepage does not exist at the toe of the spillway and the characteristics of the flow is submerged. Depth of the approaching flow at apron “a” and reference velocity “U” were kept constant throughout the experiment. The results show that factors affecting scouring of cohesive bed downstream of a spillway include: flow characteristics, soil properties, fluid properties and boundary conditions. Also when the rate of flow is finite, there is a limit to the extent of scour.
Year: 1976