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Experimental Study on Process of Exfoliation from Driftywoods in Flood at Omotogawa River

Author(s): Junya Taniguchi; Kazuya Watanabe; Noritoshi Saito

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Keywords: Driftwood; Flat rotating channel; Stripping; Flow time; Flood

Abstract: This paper presents an experimental approach to research the process of exfoliation of bark in a flood. While flowing, bark was stripped by hitting or wearing out gravel rock, and other driftwoods. After that these were found in downstream area in the state of bark stripped completely. Cause of exfoliation was being carried out. However, experiments combining similarity law were few, which the time or length until barks were stripped. Therefore, it was not yet understood the area where driftwoods were transported. Investigation going to upstream of river to identify the source of driftwoods took much time and effort, thus, it is important that process and moments were understood experimentally. Watercourse which flat circular that there was not pumped up was made by us and was composed of acrylic and polyvinyl chloride. Two drainage pumps were used to wash away the things as real floods. In this experiment, driftwood models which cedar rod were flowed with water, sand and gravel. At first, water velocity was measured at some points by use of the current meter. On average, water flowed and mixed with the other things, subsequently, bark was stripped. From this reason, the hydraulic models can be brought back behavior of driftwoods in a real flood. In this study, process and moments of exfoliation of bark were understood a little. The faster driftwoods were flowed, the earlier barks were stripped. Furthermore, injured models were stripped faster the uninjured models.


Year: 2020

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