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Climate Change and Adaptive Water Management in Bangpakong River, Thailand

Author(s): Sanit Wongsa; Sunaaree Sueathung; Taichi Tebakari

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Keywords: Climate change; Adaptation; Bang Pakong River; Eastern Economic Corridor; Mike11 model

Abstract: Climate change is one of the most pressing threats to sustainable development across the globe. There are expected to have significant effects on water resources planning and management, especially in estuary areas. The objective of this study is to evaluate of the vulnerability and adaptability for water management in eastern Thailand. The model is developed using Mike11 software, and calibrated and validated by historical matching utilizing data for the period 2013-2014. The study covered the area from Kgt.3 station, Prachinburi Province to the river estuary at the Gulf of Thailand. The model was divided into two parts, hydrodynamic (HD) module and advection-dispersion (AD) module. Calibration of each part was done by adjusting its important coefficients. It was observed that the Manning’s coefficient (n) and coefficient dispersion of mass were in the range of 0.025-0.035 and 100-1,400 m2/s, respectively. The results of comparison between models and observation data revealed order of forecasting error (R2) in the range of 0.88-0.99 for water level and 0.81- 0.99 for salinity. For model application, the RCP2.6 and 8.5 scenarios from IPCC report were simulated, sea water level rising in the year of 2100 were 1.04 and 1.34 m, respectively. Maximum salinity at Ba ngkhanag regulator, Chachoengsao Province was 13.48-13.66 g/l, exceeding standard for raw, tap and agriculture water. The increased of salinity also affects the growth of plants in the estuaries areas. These studies note the importance of water demand management through formal or informal institutions, regulations, and other approaches to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Results of this study can be used as guidelines for the management of water resources and agriculture of the Bang Pakong River and Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) areas, Thailand.


Year: 2020

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