Author(s): V. K. Goncharov; I. V. Aleshin; R. D. Smolin; A. V. Sudakov
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Abstract: This paper contains analysis the problems of oil pollution detection that formed under the ice cover surface due to accidental oil spills from platforms and terminals or as result of the emergencies while the ice navigation of the cargo vessels and tankers in the Arctic seas, where application of the oil spills monitoring tools developed for non-freezing seas is impossible. The outcomes of the under ice oil spill spreading and the oil film formation investigations are presented. The spatial scales of the oil spreading and pollution at the icewater interface were evaluated for the most probable volumes of accidental spills. Effect of the oil film under the ice cover on the heat flow from the water space to the atmosphere was studied on basis of the thermal physics methods. In the issue the possible contrasts of the snow layer or the ice surface temperature above oil film in comparison with surrounding space was evaluated. Known methods and equipment for detection of the oil pollution are considered with regard to the under ice spillage, and their effectiveness is assessed in terms of the sensitivity and possibility of being used for observation “from above”, that is through ice cover, and “from below” - from water space. It is justified the infrared tools application for the under ice oil film detection on the ice cover (or snow layer) by means of the incipient temperature contrast. The paper contains also recommendations for equipping autonomous and remotely controlled underwater vehicles (ROV) with the most effective means for detecting under ice spill sites: sonars and fluorescent lidars. Outcomes of the studies can be used for development and application the special equipment and tools for the oil pollution monitoring in the shelf water areas with drill and mining platforms and on the navigation routs in the Arctic seas.
Year: 2020