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Monitoring of 3D Motion of Drifting Iceberg with an Ice Tracker Equipped with Accelerometer

Author(s): Aleksey Marchenko; Alex Zenkin; Nataly Marchenko; Chris Paynter; Yiyi Whitchelo; Thea J. Ellevold; Atle Jensen

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Abstract: The ice tracker (Oceanetic Measurements LtD) was deployed on a bergy bit on April 27,2019, during the cruise of Polarsyssel in the Barents Sea. The tracker was recording GPS coordinates and yaw angle with sampling interval of 30 min, and 3D accelerations with sampling frequency of 2 Hz during 2048 s each hour. Iridium modem transmitted GPS coordinates, yaw angles, and complex spectrum of the accelerations. The FFT was programmed in C to reduce amount of transmitted data and keep useful information about wave induced motions with periods of wind waves and swell (5-30 sec). The bergy bit was scanned from the ship by the Laser scanner Riegl Vz-1000 and observed from below by ROV. Obtained data are analyzed and discussed in the paper. It is discovered that the bergy bit motion includes component corresponding to the action of swell with the period of 11 s. The action of swell influences maximal accelerations of the bergy bit over the period of observations.


Year: 2020

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