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Numerical Simulations of Dense Effluent Discharges Using RANS Approach with Standard K- Turbulence Closure

Author(s): Shuai Zhang; Jie Song; Chunyan Tang; Adrian Wing-Keung Law

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Keywords: Dense effluent discharge; Computational fluid dynamic (CFD); RANS; K-ε closure; Openfoam

Abstract: Submerged inclined dense jets (negatively buoyant jets) occur in many engineering applications such as brine discharges from seawater desalination plants and decooling water discharges from LNG plants, and the mixing behavior needs to be examined in details for the environmental impact analysis. In the present study, we performed a CFD study using the RANS approach to simulate the inclined dense jets with 45o inclination in a stagnant ambient with bottom impact. The open source CFD software of OpenFOAM was used, and the standard k-ε closure was adopted. Both the geometrical characteristics and dilution behaviour of the inclined dense jet were examined.


Year: 2016

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