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Relative Vulnerability of Flood and Strom Surge Disasters in Japan

Author(s): Masahiro Akima; Sokazama; Daisuke Komori

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Keywords: Compound disaster; Low atmospheric pressure; Typhoon

Abstract: Potential damage costs in the form of the map were estimated quantitatively, which are flood, storm surge and compound disaster of flood and storm surge. It seemed that flood and storm surge were compounded because these disasters could happen in the same place. Therefore, we considered the compound disaster of flood and storm surge. We estimated which disaster was potentially more dangerous in each prefecture and the relative vulnerability of compound disaster from the relationship between compound disaster damage cost and the actual typhoon damage cost. The potential damage cost in whole Japan of flood was 103 trillion JPY, of storm surge was 52 trillion JPY and compound disaster of flood and storm surge was 87 trillion JPY. Among 46 Japanese prefectures, there were 37prefectures whose the damage cost of the flood were maximized, only 1 prefecture whose the damage cost of storm surge was maximized, and 8 prefectures whose the damage cost of compound disaster was maximized. Many prefectures were vulnerable against compound disaster in the Tohoku district and strong in the Shikoku district.


Year: 2016

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