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Simulation of Tsunami Attack on Seawall Caisson

Author(s): David S. V. L Bangguna; Radianta Triatmadja; Nur Yuwono

Linked Author(s): Radianta Triatmadja

Keywords: Tsunami; Seawall; Modelling; Simulation; Failure

Abstract: Tsunami surge in land may be mitigated usingcoastal protection structure such as seawall. While the front of the structure suffer a large hydrodynamic force, the overflowing water at the rear of the structure may also endanger the stability of the structure by scouring the rear toe of the structure. The2011 tsunami of Japan has devastated the seawall along the coast. A survey found that most of the damage of the 99 km long seawall was due to scouring at the landward side of the structure. The experiment was conducted using a flume of 12 m long, 0.60 m wide, and 0.45 m high. The flume was equipped with a mechanical discharge controller that enabled the discharge to be regulated from zero to a maximum discharge of 0.145 m3/s. The vertical wall was modeled using concrete blocks height above ground (H) equals 0.05 m, 0.067 m, 0.10 m. The average diameter of the sediment was0.195 mm. The result indicated that the failure pattern of the seawall depends on the flow, the wall height and the depth of the seawall foundation.


Year: 2016

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