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An Incompressible Moving Particle Semiimplicit Model for Free-Surface Flow Interaction with Porous Media

Author(s): Gourabananda Pahar; Anirban Dhar

Linked Author(s): Anirban Dhar

Keywords: Incompressible MPS; Flow through porous MEDI

Abstract: A Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS) method is developed to simulate free-surface flow interaction with porous media. MPS being a pure Lagrangian meshless method can exactly capture convective term without any special treatment. Free-surface can be easily identified using kernel deficiency near surface. Impermeable boundary*is simulated by placing a few layers of fixed ghost particles to provide compact support for the boundary particles. A divergence-free approach is utilized instead of general density-invariant approach of MPS. Particle position is corrected by adding a very small displacement at the end of each time step depending on particle distribution. A factor based on effective porosity of particles is introduced into computation of kernel gradient/Laplace term for different representative volume of particles inside and outside porous media. Proposed framework is applied on a scenario containing wave interaction with porous breakwater. The model results demonstrate potential applicability of the method.


Year: 2016

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