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Validation of ADCP Flow Measurements in Open-Channel Flows

Author(s): Chaewoong Ban; Sung-Uk Choi; Dongsu Kim

Linked Author(s): Sung-Uk Choi, Dongsu Kim

Keywords: DCP; ADV; 3D velocity data; Real-scale outdoor stream; Meandering stream

Abstract: ADCP is being used widely today to measure the discharge in the stream. Merits of ADCP measurement come from its convenience and efficiency. The ADCP is known to provide reliable data of the mean flow and some turbulence statistics. However, validation of these data is rare, especially for the flow in the real-scale stream. This study attempts to validate ADCP measurements of the flow in the real-scale outdoor stream. Measurements were made in a meandering stream in KICT River Experimentation Center in Andong, Korea. Both fixed and moving ADCP measurements were carried out, and measured profiles are validated with ADV data. It is found that the mean flow including the streamwise and lateral velocity components and secondary flows from the ADCP measurements are very similar to those from the ADV measurements. However, some discrepancy is observed in the measured turbulence statistics.


Year: 2016

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