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A Fuzzy Logic and Numerical Modeling Approach to Surface Water Groundwater Interaction

Author(s): S. K Pramada; Sowmya Venugopal

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Keywords: Surface water; Groundwater; Surface water groundwater interaction; Fuzzy logic; Finite difference; MT3D

Abstract: With the worlds population increasing at alarming rates, the fresh water supply is being continually depleted. Since the last few decades, several parts of India are facing the problem of water pollution. Polluted surface water can indeed deteriorate the quality of groundwater also, which poses a serious threat to the health of the human beings consuming it. This issue makes management of water resources very important. This paper presents a study where a surface water and groundwater interaction model is developed and applied to a case study. Canoly Canal in Calicut is highly polluted due to discharge of hospital wastes, wastes from slaughter houses and municipal sewage. Considering the pathetic picture of the highly polluted Canal, the surface water quality was modeled using fuzzy logic and also finite difference approach. A groundwater quality model was also developed using MT3D. Finally, the interaction between both surface and groundwater was analysed.


Year: 2014

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