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Application of Image Processing Method to Study the Performance of a Floating Breakwater

Author(s): C. Chinnarasri; K. Viriyakijja

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Keywords: Coastal erosion; Floating breakwater; Transmission coefficient; Image processing; Edge detection algorithm

Abstract: Coastal erosion problems occur in many areas around the world, causing damage to natural resources, tourism, and property. To reduce the erosion problem, various types of structural measures have been used to attenuate the intensity of wave energy. The floating breakwater is of interest as it does not disturb the seabed wildlife, is flexible for transportation and replacement, and is suitable for small wave heights and soft seabed types. Its performance, represented by its transmission and energy dissipation coefficient, was studied using physical models under regular wave action. In this experimental work, an image processing method based on the edge detection algorithm was used as an innovative tool for wave flume measurement. The effects of different parameters on the efficiency of the floating breakwater were studied to propose a simple empirical equation. The results indicate that the transmission coefficient decreases with the increased relative depth, relative width of the floating breakwater, wave steepness and relative draft, respectively. In the other words, the energy dissipation coefficient takes the opposite trend. Moreover, the image processing method can be used in a wave flume laboratory since it has many advantages: it is easy to setup, is of low cost and can be used in any laboratory.


Year: 2014

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