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Characteristics of Floods in Jakarta, Indonesia and Factors Contributing to the January 2013 Flood

Author(s): Shuichi Kure; Mohammad Farid; Yo Fukutani; Keiko Udo; Akira Mano

Linked Author(s): Mohammad Farid

Keywords: Jakarta; Flood Inundation; Urban area; Urbanization

Abstract: On January 15,2013, heavy monsoon rains caused severe flooding in Jakarta city, West Java, Indonesia, which resulted in more than 40 deaths, 45,000 refugees, and terrible economic damage. In this paper characteristics of the 2013 Jakarta flood (2013 flood) are described based on our field survey results. Also, a physically based distributed flood inundation model for the Chiliwung River basin was developed and applied to the 2013 flood in order to understand the characteristics of the flood. As a result of analysis, it was found that this flood raised various social issues relating to increased runoff attributable to rapid urbanization and reduced drainage due to land subsidence. Another factor that contributed to the flood may have been the reduced capacity of the city’s drainage system impaired by trash clogging flood gates and sedimentation reducing the depth of drainage canals. Our model simulation results matched reasonably well with the observed data, indicating that the flood inundation occurred at the river section with the shortage of capacity flow in the lower part of the Chiliwung River.


Year: 2014

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