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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Beach Nourishment for Adaptation Against Sea Level Rise

Author(s): Jun Yoshida; Keiko Udo; Akira Mano

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Keywords: Sea level rise; Beach erosion; Adaptation; Beach nourishment; Cost-benefit analysis

Abstract: This study presents the impact of sea level rise on beach erosion with or without beach nourishment across Japan. With no beach nourishment, 39%to 84%of Japan’s beaches would disappear due to sea level rise under RCP2.6 (0.39-0.47 m) and 56%to 94%would disappear under RCP8.5 (0.55-0.65 m). Cost-benefit analysis is used to specify the areas that can benefit from beach nourishment among the erosion area. The nourishment volume across Japan would amount to about550×106 to 600×106 m3 under RCP2.6 and 630×106 to 810×106 m3 under RCP8.5 during the 21st century. This would cost about 1100 billion to 3700 billion yen for RCP2.6 and 1600 billion to 3800 billion yen for RCP8.5. With nourishment, the beach would disappear 36%to 66%of the beaches under RCP2.6 and 41%to 72%would disappear under RCP8.5 by the end of 21st century. Considerable limitations to this study remain due to the assumptions within the beach erosion model, and the fact that we haven’t considered the benefits of beaches for disaster prevention and ecosystem maintenance.


Year: 2014

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