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Dynamics of Groundwater Flow in Phu Quy Island, Vietnam

Author(s): Nguyen Dinh Thanh

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Keywords: Island; Groundwater flow; Water level fluctuation; Numerical simulation

Abstract: Phu Quy island in Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam is very important one in term of logistics, boat repair services, international port services, providing services on oil and gas exploration and exploitation. In the island, the use of groundwater plays an important role since there is almost no river. However, a steady increase in the demand for groundwater resources has resulted in groundwater fluctuation. In this study, we applied a numerical model to simulate transient groundwater flow in the island. We found that the fluctuation of groundwater flow is very much depend on the amount of water extraction and weather condition. An alternative to eliminate pumpage in the intruded area, and a reduction in pumpage rate could limit seawater intrusion significantly. An engineering solution should be introduced to store fresh water and prevent saltwater intrusion.


Year: 2014

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