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Intensity-duration-QUANTITY (IDQ) Analysis for Expedite River Flood Management

Author(s): J. G. Kim; B. S. Kang; Y. D. Kim

Linked Author(s): Gi Joo Kim, Young Do Kim

Keywords: Flood control facility; Design flood; IDF; IDQ

Abstract: The aim of this research is to suggest a design criteria and procedure for maximizing flood control capacity by building flood control facilities in order to cope with increased uncertainty due to urbanization and climate change. The procedure for estimating design flood hydrographs at any duration using Intensity-Duration-Quantity (IDQ) originated from the existing IDF and its application example were described. Based on rainfall estimation by the IDQ analysis, it is possible to calculate the equivalent peak hydrographs include same water level with various rainfall duration, and IDQ curve derived under various water levels using hydrological model. This study shows that the IDQ curve can estimate quickly an expected flood quantity and water stage in channels or reservoirs using rainfall forecasting.


Year: 2014

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