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Level and Distribution of Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls (DL-PCBS) in Sediment from Caubay River, Vietnam

Author(s): Vu Duc Toan; Nguyen Phuong Quy

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Keywords: Dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls; Sediment; Contamination; Level

Abstract: An evaluation of the dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs) contamination in the sediment from Cau Bay River was carried out. Ten representative sediment samples were collected in April 2013. The analyzed results indicated the wide occurrence of contamination of DL-PCBs in Cau Bay River. In industrial and urban sampling sites, ΣDL-PCBs concentrations ranged from 14,254 to 17,369 ng kg -1 dw, while those in agricultural sampling sites ranged from 9,398 to13,793 ng kg -1 dw. The value of (PCB126+PCB169) / (PCB77+PCB126+PCB169) in Cau Bay River range from 10.9%to16.1%, suggesting that the DL-PCBs in Cau Bay river are attributable to both commercial PCBs and pyrogenic sources. The TEQ values in the sediment samples from Cau Bay river range from 5.3 to 11.9 ng TEQ kg-1 dw. Due to the propensity of DL-PCBs to accumulate in various compartments of environment, further evaluation of ecotoxicological should be undertaken as a high priority.


Year: 2014

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