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MCDA for Decision Making of Floodway Construction, Thailand

Author(s): Chayapa Chayaviwattanawong; Kwansue Jung

Linked Author(s): Kwansue Jung

Keywords: MCDA-GIS; Floodway Construction; Assessment of Economic Flood Prevention

Abstract: Multi Criteria Decision Analysis is a technique that supports decision maker to select the appropriate alternative from multiple or conflictive attributes. The objective of this study is to apply MCDA techniques together with research tool and GIS to support selection of West Flood Diversion Channel construction. The Royal Thai Government proposed Mega Flood Provenetion Project in 2012 to promote long-term investment for development of appropriate infrastructure for sustainable water management. In this study, the researcher considered on the Module A5, the Construction of Flood Diversion Channel which is the most interesting and criticized project among others due to budget and land expropriation issues. The project is expected to drain 1,200 CMS from the northern region to the Gulf of Thailand via Kanchanaburi’s Mae Klong Dam and Tha Chin River or excavate new canal through the outlet at Bann Leam, Phetchaburi province. The researcher combined GIS tool with MCDA techniques to maximize the output of this research and to represent another point of view that enrich project management and prefeasibility study. The researcher published questionnaires based on Delphi technique to survey experts’opinions in each related fields and then applied MCDA methods to get relative importance weight and prioritized the alternatives. The routes of flood diversion channel were simulated by using GIS to support construction and expropriated areas estimation, then calculate cost and apply MAUT to justify the most preferred alternatives. Finally, the results from both Survey and Monetary–based were compared.


Year: 2014

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