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Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Run-up in Urban Area Taking into Account the City Layout

Author(s): Ryosuke Akoh; Shunichi Hatakeyama; Tadaharu Ishikawa

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Keywords: Tsunami run-up; Urban area; Numerical simulation; Unstructured triangular mesh

Abstract: The tsunami run-up in the Kamaishi city caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake was simulated numerically by the a 2-D shallow water model with in which the mnumerical grid was fine grids enough to resolve resolving the roads and buildings. A novel formulation of the semi-permeiable building model is was constructed to consider the water volume flooded into the buildings. Compared with the ordinarycommonly used models which considers the effect of buildings by adjusting the Manning’s roughness coefficient, the maximum water levels in the presented model has had higher correlation with the tsunami traces. Additionally, it is clear that the numerical accuracy gets is improved, especially at places far-off from the shore, by considering the effect of volume, especially places far-off from the shore.


Year: 2014

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