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Numerical Simulations of Tsunami Surge Along a Focusing Valley of Lampung Indonesia Using Dualsphysics

Author(s): M. H. Aslami; Kuswandi; R. Triatmadja

Linked Author(s): Radianta Triatmadja

Keywords: Numerical model; DualS PHysics; Valley; Lampung

Abstract: The research is aimed at studying the tsunami surge propagation along the V shape valley such as that in Lampung Indonesia. Lampung is a province of Indonesia located at the south end of Sumatera Island that is prone to tsunami attack. Physical simulations of tsunami focusing along a valley have been conducted and concluded that the surge depth increases toward the end of the valley. In the laboratory however, the observation is limited as the surges move at highspeed. Numerical modeling using SPH method provide better simulation as the dynamic of the surge profile and surge force along the valley may be observed easily. The research employed an open source software Dual SPHysics with Graphical Processing Units system (GPUs) as it provides significantly higher speed of computation compare with its predecessor SPHysics that uses CPU system only. A tsunami surge into a simplified V shape valley was simulated. The model of tsunami surge profiles was constructed using more than 13 million particles, including the fluid and boundary particles. The water surface profiles of the numerical simulations was similar with the laboratory experiment. Finally surge simulation along the valley at Kota Agung, one of the district in beach area of Lampung that is relatively flat but surrounded by a V-shape hill, was simulated using relatively large particles.


Year: 2014

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