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Numerical Study on Improvement of Flood Contorl and Water Supply Capacity of Side Channel Spillway of Small Earth Dam

Author(s): S. S. Joo; K. H. Ryu; J. S. Lee; S. O. Lee

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Keywords: Small earth dam; Flood control; Sluice gate; Water supply capacity; Flow-3D

Abstract: The type of most spillways in small earth dams is the over-flow side channel, especially in Korea, but they were constructed under the design criteria insurfficient to climate changes occurred recently. They would be vulnerable to flood protection against torrential and abnormal inflow into reservoir and vast damage would occur to people and properties due to their failure. One of methods suggested by Korea Water Resource Corporation and Korea Rural Community Corporation is that the construction or expansion of supplementary spillway and the construction of floodcontrol dam at upper stream were proposed or implemented, however those methods have a difficulty to apply for medium and small size of earth dam because of the construction capability and cost efficiency. In this study, relatively realistic measure to enhance the water control capacity of small earth dam was presented, which is to install sluice gate on sidewall of established spillway. Few sites have been applied with this method (Joo et al, 2012), however, hydraulic characteristics inside the control chamber where discharge over side channel spillway and discharge from gates were intermixed was not been analyzed in detail. Using Flow-3D (Flow Science, Inc., 2003) which has been applied to previous several dam projects, discharge according to water level in reservoir and hydraulic characteristics in the control chamber were evaluated. As a result from numerical simulations, the intermixture flow was occurred inside the control chamber when discharges were happened through sluice gate and side channel spillway at the same time. Even though the flood control ability would be reduced because the water lever inside control chamber was increased but it was found that flood control would be possible with the adequate gate control. The installation of sluice gates on sidewall of side channel spillway would cooperate to control the water level of a reservoir, thereby improve the flood control during flood events as well as the water supply capacity at normal conditions.


Year: 2014

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